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Dental Implants – Guilderland, NY

Put Your Tooth Loss Behind You!

Tired of having to work around your missing teeth every day? Ready to toss your old, unreliable denture out the window the next time it slips? If so, dental implants offer the permanent, trusted solution to tooth loss that you have been waiting for. With them, Dr. Steven Oshins has helped countless patients recover not only their oral health, but their confidence as well, using a treatment that’s been shown to last for 30+ years on average. Are you ready to say “Goodbye!” to your incomplete smile? If so, contact our team at Oshins of Smiles today to schedule a consultation for dental implants in Guilderland, NY.

Why Choose Oshins of Smiles for Dental Implants?

  • Partnered with Local Specialists for Surgical Dental Implant Placement
  • Customized Treatment Plans Using the Latest Dental Technology
  • We Take a Whole-Body Approach to Dental Care

What Are Dental Implants?

dental implant in Guilderland, NY replacing a single missing tooth

Each of your teeth consists of two main parts: the crown, which you can see, and the root hidden below the gum line. What sets dental implants apart from traditional tooth replacements is that they bring back this root structure. A small titanium post is placed into the jawbone where a tooth used to reside, and then it’s topped with a crown, bridge, or denture. The implant itself bonds with the surrounding bone just like a real root to establish an extremely strong foundation. In the end, you have a replacement tooth that looks and feels like you’d never lost a tooth in the first place!

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

implant dentist in Guilderland placing a crown onto a model of a dental implant

The process of getting dental implants in Guilderland usually takes longer than it does to get dentures or a dental bridge. Considering dental implants can last a lifetime, though, the lengthier treatment process is definitely worth it! Dr. Oshins has partnered with the best specialists in the area for the surgical phases of the treatment, ensuring high-quality care and long-lasting results. Every patient’s process is a bit different, but you can expect to go through these four basic steps.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

dentist showing a patient how dental implants work in Guilderland

First, you’ll meet with Dr. Oshins for a consultation. He’ll spend some time asking you about your goals for your new smile, and you’ll have the chance to ask questions about how dental implants work in Guilderland. Then he’ll examine your teeth and gums and take X-rays of your mouth and jaw. If he finds any signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or other oral health concerns, then you might need to complete additional procedures before dental implant surgery. Additionally, your jawbone should have enough density to support dental implants, so if it doesn’t, you’ll need a bone graft first.

Dental Implant Surgery

dentists performing dental implant surgery

When Dr. Oshins gives the okay, he’ll refer you to a local specialist in order to have the implants surgically placed into your jaw. You can rest easy knowing that your smile is in the hands of someone who has completed advanced training in the field of dental implants.

The surgery itself is relatively straightforward. The specialist numbs your mouth, makes small incisions in your gums, positions the implant posts in your jawbone, closes the gums, and places a healing cap over the site.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment

dental implant with abutment and crown in the lower jaw

Your jawbone will need about three to six months to grow around the implants. This process is called osseointegration, and it’s the main reason why dental implants are as successful and lifelike as they are.

After osseointegration is done, you’ll most likely need to return to the specialist’s office for another smaller procedure. Your implant dentist in Guilderland will expose the tops of your implants and attach metal abutments to them, which allow your restorations to be secured in place.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restoration(s)

senior man admiring his new dental implants in Guilderland

At long last, it’s time to receive your brand-new pearly whites. It should take a couple of weeks for your gums to heal from your abutment surgery, at which point you’ll come back to our office. Dr. Oshins will place your crown, bridge, or denture on top of your abutments. These restorations will have been personalized based on impressions of your mouth, so they’ll look and feel just as natural as the teeth you used to have.

Benefits of Dental Implants

bearded man admiring his smile in a mirror

Dental implants offer several advantages compared to traditional bridges and dentures, with the most prominent ones being:

  • Unmatched Stability: You never have to worry about implanted teeth moving out of place because they are held within the jawbone just like natural ones.
  • Prevent Bone Loss: The jawbone tends to atrophy after tooth loss, but implant roots can stop and even reverse this process.
  • Premier Aesthetics: Implants look, function, and feel just like real teeth, allowing patients to eat with confidence and smile with complete ease.
  • Made to Last: The average lifespan of an implant is about 30 years, but many have been shown to last much longer.

Tooth Replacement That Feels as Natural as It Looks

man in a blue polo shirt standing outside

Traditional tooth replacement options only replace the crown of your tooth, or the portion that’s visible above the gumline. Although this is better than neglecting tooth replacement altogether, you’re not benefiting from dental implants’ ability to restore the root of your tooth as well as the crown. As a result, your smile is only half restored. Because implants fuse with your jawbone, they eventually grow to become a part of you, meaning they’ll feel as natural as the pearly whites you were born with.

Enjoy All Your Favorite Foods Again

senior couple cooking in their kitchen

For those with a conventional denture, your diet may be limited. This prosthetic usually only restores about 20% of your original biting function. Implant dentures, on the other hand, can restore 70% or more of your natural chewing ability. The increased stability of an implant denture allows you to enjoy all of your favorite foods as well as nutrient-rich ones like chewy meats and crunchy vegetables.

Maintain a Youthful Appearance

woman in a striped shirt smiling

When you’re missing even one tooth, the jawbone no longer receives stimulation in that area from your tooth roots. As a result, the bone begins to deteriorate and lose its ability to support your facial muscles. These muscles then start to droop and wrinkle, prematurely aging you. Luckily, dental implants stimulate jawbone growth and support the muscles of your face, allowing to keep looking young for years to come.

Easily Care for Your New Smile

man brushing his teeth in front of his bathroom mirror

Once your implants are in place, you should be able to brush them in much the same way as you did for your natural smile. Flossing may be slightly more complicated, as you have to take great care to clean under and around your implant crown, bridge, or denture. However, Dr. Oshins can explain everything you need to know about taking good care of your new teeth.

Maintain a Healthy Smile for Decades to Come

senior woman pointing to her smile

Traditional bridges and dentures alone typically need to be replaced at least every five to ten years. In most cases, dental implants can last upwards of 20 or 30 years, or even a lifetime. Provided you take proper care of your implant and its restoration, you can enjoy a healthy smile for up to a lifetime!

Who Dental Implants Can Help

young man sitting in the dental chair

Dental implants can be used to help patients missing any number of teeth; they just need a relatively healthy mouth as well as enough strong jawbone to hold the new roots. Once these requirements have been met, a patient can choose from one of the following dental implant variations:

Missing One Tooth

single dental implant with a crown

An implant root is positioned between two healthy teeth and topped with a custom-made crown. Unlike with a dental bridge, the nearby tooth structure won’t have to be altered or reshaped at all, making this a more conservative solution.

Missing Multiple Teeth

two dental implants supporting a dental bridge

A bridge or partial denture can be secured within the mouth using just one or two implants, restoring several teeth at once. This is not only more cost-effective compared to using one implant per tooth, but it also makes these prosthetics much more stable and durable than removable ones.

Missing All Teeth

two full dentures supported by multiple dental implants

With just four to eight implants, a full denture can be anchored directly to the jawbone to give a patient an extremely secure row of teeth they can trust to always stay in place. In fact, with the All-on-4 procedure, a patient can receive a full implant denture in just one appointment.

Learn More About All-on-4 Dental Implants

Learn More About Implant Dentures

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Dental implant on money

Every smile is unique, just like your fingerprints. Therefore, it’s impossible to have a flat fee for dental implants because everyone has different needs and goals. Don’t worry, we strive to keep the cost of dental implants in Guilderland affordable for all budgets without compromising quality. After examining your mouth and learning more about your concerns, your implant dentist will create a personalized strategy to rebuild your smile. A member of our team will explain your estimate and payment options.

Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

Patient at dental implant consultation

Replacing lost teeth with dental implants in Guilderland requires multiple steps, which can take several months to complete. This can give you more time to pay because the entire amount won’t be due at once. While every plan differs, most patients can expect their estimates to include:

  • Preliminary Treatments: It’s not uncommon to need a little prep-work before your placement surgery, like tooth extractions, periodontal therapy, or bone grafting.
  • Placement Surgery: Sedation or anesthetic will keep you comfortable during your placement procedure, which is performed by a local oral surgeon.
  • Dental Implants: Although there are many discounted materials, it’s better to focus on quality because they last longer.

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

Model showing parts of a dental implant

A dental implant is the only treatment to recreate the tooth from the root up. If you’ve lost multiple teeth in a row, you won’t need to replace each tooth individually. Instead, bridges and dentures can be supported by a specific number of posts. You can expect to pay for each part, including:

  • Implant Post: A titanium implant post will mimic a root while anchoring your restoration to your jawbone.
  • Abutment: Each post requires an abutment to connect your restoration.
  • Restoration: Depending on the number of teeth you’ve lost, you may need a crown, bridge, or denture.

You’ll know exactly what you’ll need to pay before getting started, so you aren’t surprised by any additional fees.

How Dental Implants Can Save You Money

Black piggy bank and coins

Dental implants can pay for themselves because they will never need to be replaced with the right aftercare, like maintaining your oral hygiene. Traditional prosthetics must be replaced every few years. Although you’ll pay more upfront, you can save money down the road because dental implants can last 30 years or longer. They also preserve your jawbone to stop dental drift. You’ll avoid many common problems caused by missing teeth, so you won’t need to pay for a treatment later.

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Dental insurance coverage form

Your dental insurance won’t cover the entire procedure, but you can use your annual benefits to offset the cost of certain steps in your treatment, like the consultation, tooth extractions, or restorations. After reaching your deductible, your yearly allowance can lower your out-of-pocket costs until hitting your annual limit.

Making Dental Implants Affordable  

Folded money on table

Your implant dentist in Guilderland accepts various payment methods to replace your missing teeth without draining your wallet, including:

  • Traditional Payments: We accept cash, checks, and credit cards.
  • CareCredit: Make monthly payments using third-party financing.

Maintaining & Caring For Your Dental Implants

Dental implant care in Guilderland

The key to increasing the longevity of your permanent prosthetics is proper dental implant care in Guilderland. Although your new teeth are artificial, they still require maintenance to minimize the risk of gum disease and other possible infections. To do this, our team at Oshins of Smiles will provide a list of recommended tips to help you keep your smile in optimal shape. Feel free to review the following information and contact us with any questions.

Making Oral Hygiene a Priority

Woman brushing teeth in Guilderland

To avoid the possibility of dental implant failure, you’ll need to make sure you maintain an optimal oral hygiene routine. This means brushing twice a day for two minutes, flossing between meals, and rinsing regularly. Make sure you do not use abrasive toothpaste, as it can scratch your restorations. Instead, find one that is non-abrasive but is designed to combat decay and gum disease (your natural teeth can still develop cavities). By maintaining this type of morning and nighttime regime, you can expect your dental implants in Guilderland to last for decades.

Eating a Healthy Diet

Woman eating an apple in Guilderland

Everything you eat either positively or negatively impacts your oral and overall health. This is why it’s important that you consume healthy foods like leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, calcium-enriched foods, and lean proteins. Not only will these offer stimulation to your jawbone, but they’ll promote good gum health as well. Too many sugars and starches can lead to decay of your regular teeth and potential gum disease, which can break down your jawbone and affect your dental implants.

Breaking Bad Habits

Woman biting her fingernails in Guilderland

It can be hard breaking bad habits, but if you don’t, your dental implants will be at risk for serious damage. Chips, breaks, cracks, fractures, and even loose teeth (both real and artificial) can occur if you continue to eat ice, bite your fingernails, use your teeth as tools, or chew on inanimate objects. If you smoke, there is a greater chance that your implants will not fuse, causing them to ultimately fail. Your implant dentist in Guilderland can be an advocate in helping you quit by providing helpful tips, including chewing sugar-free gum and finding cessation resources or groups to quit smoking.

Protecting Your Dental Implants

Customized mouthguard in Guilderland

You will find it is in your best interest to talk to your dentist about customized mouthguards. These are especially beneficial if you enjoy playing sports, engaging in physical activity, or suffer from bruxism. Designed to absorb the shock of a sudden hit or continuous teeth grinding, these unique oral appliances can safeguard your real and artificial teeth, offering maximum protection. Instead of worrying about your dental implants being knocked out during a game or breaking down because of your teeth grinding, a customized mouthguard can better protect your pearly whites for greater longevity.

Scheduling Regular Dental Checkups

Woman seeing dentist in Guilderland

One of the most pivotal ways to maintain your dental implants includes seeing your dentist every six months for checkups and cleanings. Dr. Oshins may recommend more frequent visits during the first year, but you can expect these appointments to allow our team to ensure your teeth are fully intact, in place, and free of any damage or disease. We’ll also check to make sure your gums do not appear to have any inflammation and your natural teeth are void of any cavities or decay.

Dental Implant FAQs

 Illustration of dental implants in Schenectady

Dental implants are an ideal tooth replacement option for people who are missing one, several, most of, or all of their teeth! However, implants are quite an investment, so it pays to be well-informed. Here are the answers to some of the most common queries we receive about dental implants in Schenectady. If you don’t see the information that you’re looking for below, just give us a call and we’d be happy to answer your questions and get you started with an initial consultation. We’re eager to help restore your smile!

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

The lifespan of dental implants depends on the health and lifestyle choices of the patient. To ensure that implants last, be sure to brush, floss and rinse with a mouthwash on a daily basis. Stay away from anything particularly hard or sticky, and see your dentist for routine cleanings and checkups. With proper maintenance, dental implants can last upwards of 30 years! This is several times longer than the average traditional bridges and dentures.

Are Dental Implants Safe?

For most patients who are in good health, dental implants are very successful when placed by a qualified professional. If you have low jawbone density or gum disease, the dentist can fix these problems to make dental implant surgery safer and more successful. If you have diabetes, cancer, or another serious medical condition that could make surgery or healing risky, we can discuss this during your consultation to make sure that dental implants are still an ideal tooth replacement option for you. Our number one priority is the health of our patients.

Will People Be Able to Tell That I Have Dental Implants?

Impressions will be taken of your mouth that are then used to design your personalized restorations. Once they are placed, no one should be able to differentiate them from your natural teeth. This is because implants are placed in the jaw like tooth roots. This means additional stability and optimal function!

Do Dental Implants Feel Natural?

Once they are placed in the jawbone, dental implants should feel exactly like the roots of your natural teeth. The implants themselves have no nerve endings, so any sensations that you feel in the area, like heat, cold, and pressure, come from the gums surrounding your tooth replacement. You may even forget that they aren’t your natural teeth!

Have Questions? Get Answers.
Ready to Get Started? Schedule an appointment to start a lifetime of healthy smiles. Request an Appointment