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Root Canal Therapy – Guilderland, NY

Save Your Tooth as the Pain Subsides

Does drinking iced tea or hot coffee have you agonizing in pain? Maybe one of your teeth has simply been hurting constantly for a while now. In either case, it would seem you are dealing with an infection inside the dental pulp – the bundle of nerve endings located at the center of your tooth. Since this area is so sensitive, it can cause discomfort to the degree that it interferes with your daily life. Hope is not lost, however, because here at Oshins of Smiles, we want nothing more than to save your tooth as the pain subsides and give you a reason to smile once again. Contact our team so we can get you back on track with root canal therapy in Guilderland!

Why Choose Oshins Of Smiles For Root Canal Therapy?

  • Same-Day Emergency Appointments
  • Your Dental Insurance Is Maximized
  • Dentist With 2+ Decades of Experience

Do I Need Root Canal Therapy? 

woman with toothache in bed

The most common indication of the need for a root canal is a severe, persistent toothache. However, that is certainly not the only symptom to look for. Other signs you might need a root canal include:

  • Extreme, prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold foods or beverages 
  • Sharp pain when biting down
  • Dark discoloration of a tooth
  • Swelling or redness of the gums surrounding a tooth
  • A pimple-like bump on the gums near a tooth

As soon as you notice any of these symptoms, contact us. We’ll get you in for an emergency appointment with Dr. Oshins ASAP.

The Root Canal Process

illustration of root canal therapy process

The term “root canal” gets a bad rap, but this procedure is actually painless. In fact, by removing the infected nerve of the tooth, a root canal is designed to relieve pain. Plus, your emergency dentist in Guilderland will numb your mouth with a local anesthetic beforehand so you will remain comfortable throughout the process.

We will begin by using special instruments to access the inner chambers of the tooth and remove the pulp that’s triggering your pain. After sanitizing the area, we’ll refill it with a synthetic gutta-percha material to retain the tooth’s shape. The next step is to seal and protect the tooth by placing a temporary dental crown. As your mouth heals, the area around the tooth might feel a bit sore and tender.

A few weeks later, we will see you at our dental office. Then, we’ll switch out your temporary crown for a permanent one. At that point, the underlying tooth should be fully protected. You’ll be able to use it as you normally would – bring on that cup of coffee!

The Benefits of Getting a Root Canal

satisfied mature man looking out window

While replacement options like dental implants definitely have benefits for your smile, preserving your natural tooth should always be the primary goal. If you hesitate to get a root canal when you need one, the infection might progress to the point of no return, and your tooth will have to be extracted entirely. Removing and replacing a tooth is a much more complex, time-consuming, and wallet-draining venture than root canal therapy.

In addition to saving your natural tooth, root canal therapy has other benefits:

  • Virtually pain-free procedure – Thanks to the advanced dental technology we use, getting a root canal is about as comfortable as the process for an ordinary filling.
  • High success rate – The vast majority of root canal patients retain their treated tooth for decades, if not the rest of their lives.
  • Aesthetically pleasing results – After your root canal, your tooth will be restored with a custom-made dental crown that seamlessly blends in with the rest of your smile.

Understanding the Cost of Root Canals

tooth and calculator illustration for cost of root canal therapy

Like some other dental procedures, the cost of root canal therapy in Guilderland can vary from one patient to another. How severe is the damage to your tooth? How complex is your case? It’s always our priority to provide you with an accurate estimate before the work begins. Even though a root canal can sometimes be costly, it is usually the smart move because you always want to preserve your natural tooth when possible instead of just giving up and getting an extraction.

Factors That Can Affect Root Canal Cost

illustration for types of teeth

It is tough to calculate the exact cost of a root canal until our team has been able to examine the tooth or teeth in need of saving. The key information that can influence the price includes:

  • What type of tooth is it, and where is it located?
  • How difficult will the root canal be to perform? Is a specialist needed?
  • Are additional services required, such as a new dental crown?

Is It Cheaper to Pull My Tooth?

3D illustration of tooth extraction

A lot of patients will be tempted to skip a root canal and settle for an extraction. It’s true; an extraction may cost less in the short term. But consider the big picture where your oral health is concerned. As the remaining teeth begin to shift out of place, your bite can be negatively impacted. This can lead to general discomfort and make eating more difficult.

If you do opt for an extraction, your emergency dentist is likely to recommend replacing it with a dental bridge or dental implant. Those each bring expenses of their own, of course. It can actually be a net positive for your wallet to save your tooth now instead of buying and maintaining a replacement option for the rest of your life.

One thing is for sure; you don’t want to wait too long to get a root canal if you go that route. Waiting only increases the likelihood you have to get an extraction anyway.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Root Canal Therapy?

dental insurance illustration

Since root canal therapy is considered a major procedure, it is common for dental insurance plans to cover 50-80 percent of the cost after your deductible has been met. Of course, insurance plans can differ greatly, so it will be important to confirm the specifics with your company first. Our team will be happy to help you with this process.

Another Option to Make Root Canal Therapy Affordable

financing available appearing on wooden blocks

We realize, of course, that not every patient has dental insurance. If that applies to you, know that we have CareCredit financing available to make any treatment much more affordable thanks to a flexible, low-to-no-interest payment plan.

When you need assistance, we’ll be here to provide root canal therapy and help navigate the cost. For the sake of your smile, don’t hesitate to contact us while your tooth can still be saved!

Root Canal FAQs

Do Root Canals Hurt?

It’s only right that we start with the most-asked question about root canal treatment: does it hurt? Since there are all sorts of myths about this tooth-saving service out there, it’s not surprising that this is a prevalent concern. If it’s something that’s been on your mind, it’s important to know that your mouth will be thoroughly numbed beforehand. Plus, we will provide you with aftercare instructions so you know exactly what to do to keep any discomfort or soreness at bay once you return home.

Can I Take Antibiotics Instead of Getting a Root Canal?

No, antibiotics are not a suitable alternative. If you are interested in learning about viable alternatives to root canal treatment, the best thing to do is give us a call or schedule an appointment. That way, we can review your options with your specific dental needs in mind.

What Happens If You Wait Too Long to Get a Root Canal?

Whether it’s due to a fear of pain, concerns surrounding the price, or something else entirely, it’s important to have an open conversation with your dentist instead of taking the “wait and see” approach. That’s because the root of the problem will continue to worsen as time goes on. In fact, there may even come a point where saving your tooth isn’t an option anymore; we will need to extract it in order to restore your oral health.

Remember, our team at Oshins of Smiles isn’t here to judge you. We genuinely want to know what concerns, questions, and reservations you have so we can help!

Can Root Canals Be Prevented?

You might be surprised that the answer is “yes” – at least generally speaking. To keep your teeth and gums healthy (and minimize your chances of needing root canal treatment), the best thing to do is adopt habits that will protect your smile from harm (i.e., wearing a mouthguard during sports, brushing and flossing consistently, not over-indulging on foods and drinks with added sugar). Make sure to also prioritize your biannual dental checkups and cleanings at our Schenectady dental office. That way, we can periodically check for tooth decay and other oral health problems before they progress to the point where root canal treatment is needed.

What Should I Eat Before Getting a Root Canal?

Prior to getting dental work, it’s a good idea to eat a well-balanced meal filled with nutrient-dense foods, like bananas, cashews, and plain yogurt. This will help keep you full until the numbing agent wears off and you can eat again.

Tip: Make sure to drink lots of water to stay hydrated too!

How Much Pain Is Normal Following a Root Canal?

It usually takes a few hours for the numbing agents to dissipate. Once it does, you’ll begin to feel some soreness arise, which is why it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions we give you. Around the three-day mark, you should feel almost entirely better. If the opposite is the case (your symptoms are getting worse), then contact us ASAP.

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