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Sleep Apnea Therapy – Guilderland, NY

Sleep Better, Breathe Better, Live Better

Do you feel tired every day despite getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night? Are you constantly being elbowed by your partner because of your snoring? Have you almost fallen asleep behind the wheel because you’re so exhausted? These are all common signs of sleep apnea, a very serious condition that affects over 20 million Americans. Dr. Oshins can offer a patient relief and restore their rest using a simple, custom-made oral appliance that fits in their pocket, and you can start getting the sleep you deserve today by giving us a call for sleep apnea therapy in Guilderland, NY.

Why Choose Oshins of Smiles for Sleep Apnea Therapy?

  • Custom-Made Oral Appliances for Each Patient
  • More Comfortable Alternative to CPAP Therapy
  • Able to Stop Even Severe Snoring

What is Sleep Apnea?

Man with animated airway overlaying his profile

Sleep apnea is a chronic disorder in which a person briefly but frequently stops breathing throughout the night. In most cases, the tissues of the mouth and throat collapse together to block the airway, and in response, the body has to partially wake up. This can occur up to 100 times an hour in severe cases, and as a result, the body is never able to reach the deeper, more restorative stages of sleep.

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Dangers of Sleep Apnea

Man falling asleep while driving

In addition to making someone constantly feel tired and irritable, sleep apnea has also been shown to drastically increase someone’s risk of having a heart attack or stroke. This is because the stoppages in breathing are very stressful on the body, particularly the heart, and it causes blood pressure to skyrocket. This elevated blood pressure can remain for several hours, even after someone is awake, and it’s one of the leading risk factors for cardiac events.

Excessive Snoring

Annoyed woman in bed with snoring man

One of the most telling symptoms of sleep apnea is loud, chronic snoring. This occurs when the airway is only partially blocked, but it usually precludes a full blockage. While snoring is often benign (if annoying), it is not an automatic indicator that someone has sleep apnea. However, if snoring occurs in conjunction with constant exhaustion, and the person regularly wakes up gasping for air or feeling out of breath, then they should definitely schedule a screening with Dr. Oshins.

Oral Appliance Therapy

Man placing oral appliance for sleep apnea

The most common form of sleep apnea treatment is CPAP therapy, which involves a patient wearing a mask connected to an air pump that continually forces oxygen into the throat to keep the airway open. Fortunately, a less invasive and more comfortable alternative is available in the form of oral appliance therapy. Dr. Oshins utilizes multiple types of oral appliances, and each one is custom-designed to provide maximum comfort and an effective treatment. All a patient has to do is wear one to bed, and they should wake up in the morning feeling fully energized.

Elastic mandibular advancement sleep apnea appliance


EMA stands for “elastic mandibular advancement,” and this appliance consists of two plastic trays that slip over each row of teeth that are connected by adjustable elastic bands. It slightly moves the lower jaw forward during sleep, ensuring the airway remains open throughout the night, allowing someone to sleep deeply and stop snoring.

Dorsal sleep apnea appliance


The Dorsal appliance gets its name from the two fin-like pieces that connect the separate parts together. Made of high-quality acrylic, Dorsal appliances are extremely sleek and comfortable to wear, and they can be easily adjusted to find the perfect fit. Their advanced design also prevents the breakage that occurs with many other appliances, ensuring they last night after night.

Herbst sleep apnea appliance


The Herbst appliance is held together using two small, telescoping metal arms that gently hold the jaw in a position that allows for optimal airflow during sleep. These appliances can also be used to treat problems related to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which often occur in conjunction with sleep apnea.

Partnered with Sleep Physicians

Woman connected to sleep apnea testing device

In order to provide the best care possible, Dr. Oshins works closely with many sleep physicians in the Capital District area. If you believe you have sleep apnea, but still need to be tested, he can connect you with a qualified physician near you. Or, if you already know you have sleep apnea, he can work with your doctor to get you a custom-made sleep appliance. This collaborative approach helps patients get the answers and the treatment they need as quickly and effectively as possible.

Sleep Apnea Therapy FAQs

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

There are several issues that can cause sleep apnea, including:

  • Obesity: Too much fatty tissue in your neck and around your throat makes it much more likely for your airway to become blocked during sleep.
  • Smoking: Smoking causes a variety of health problems, including the inflammation of soft tissues in the airway, which increases the chances of nighttime blockage.
  • Naturally narrow airway: Your genetics play a role in the size and rigidity of your airway. Those with smaller, more flexible airways are at a higher risk of developing sleep apnea.
  • Larger tonsils or tongue: Larger than average tissues in the mouth such as the tongue or tonsils can easily restrict the passage of air.

What Are the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

Snoring is the most common warning sign of this common sleeping disorder. However, there are other symptoms to be on the lookout for as well, like:

  • Daytime fatigue
  • Morning or chronic headaches
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat

What Should I Do If I Think I Have Sleep Apnea?

If you think you have sleep apnea, the first step is to be tested. At Oshins of Smiles, we partner with qualified local sleep physicians, and will be more than happy to connect you to a trusted professional. Typically, you’ll need to spend a night at a special lab for an overnight sleep test. The data collected from this test will inform them of the presence and severity of sleep apnea. Dr. Oshins will work closely with your sleep physician to create a custom-made oral appliance. A collaborative approach to your sleeping disorder will ensure that you receive the most effective and precise treatment possible. 

Can Sleep Apnea Be Cured?

There isn’t a simple answer to this question. Whether your sleep apnea can be cured or whether you’ll simply need to manage it will depend on what’s causing the disorder in the first place. If it’s the result of obesity, smoking, or other controllable factor, you may be able to completely reverse your sleep apnea with a few lifestyle changes. However, for patients with naturally smaller airways or larger tongues, there may be no simple “cure” for sleep apnea. Instead, we’ll help you use an oral appliance to manage your condition and get the quality sleep you deserve every night.

Can Children Get Sleep Apnea?

While it’s not common, children can develop sleep apnea. Studies suggest that roughly 1-4% of American children have some form of sleep breathing disorder. Like adults, their breathing will pause throughout the night and they may snore loudly. However, they may also show unique symptoms like hyperactive daytime behavior. If you think your child may have sleep apnea, we’ll connect you with a sleep physician who can help.

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